Friday, March 18, 2011

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island gun boats will participate in a documentary

Madrid, 17 feb (EFE) .- The 20% of total CO2 emissions produced in Spain, some 80 million tons, is set in forest area , which increases around 190,000 hectares per year, according to the latest inventory.

data collected in a study released today by the Dean of the College of Forestry, Carlos del Alamo, and José María Rábade, an expert from the Economic Department of the College, during the celebration, next March 21, World Forestry Day. Del Alamo
calls to be placed on forests at the point of social value that belongs to them and compensating its owners so they can take the necessary management for its conservation.

So far, this carbon that forests are setting is not compensated financially, he said.
Allocation should proceed, according to Dean of Forestry Engineers of hydrocarbons "are those that generate greenhouse gases." José María Rábade
, an expert from the Economic Environmental Engineering College of Forestry, he argued, in turn, the need to "invest in building a capital nature and natural." proposed "redistribution of taxes to allow diverting money towards environmental conservation of ecosystems" and create a not too distant future an 'eco-tax' for the visit of English forests as is the case in other countries.
This tax, which could be applied to rural tourism enterprises and visitors help to correct the various existing environmental problems, and also suggested the creation of a "Forest Bank" to ensure the conservation of forests.

World Forestry Day is celebrated since 1998, which killed five members of a forest brigade while trying to extinguish a fire at Linton (Canada).
Source: EFE
: green


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