Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Make A Hipbelt

Galileo: clairvoyant and prophetic

Galileo is a before and after (the universe was geocentric, Ptolemaic system, "then the heliocentric, Copernican system-), in a publication Dialogues the two systems came into conflict with the Church by supporting the Copernican theory ... and after being forced to "admit his mistake" before the Court inquest, said the following words: "E pur is muove" ---... Yet (land) moves (around the sun).
My love I give you, my peace I leave you, my light with you. Gets a hug from heart to heart of Majella.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Red Throat With Blisters

care to be there soon

Although Costa Rica does not yet have the water problem as perceived in other countries, I have 'ad slides, both the waste that makes the people of this nonrenewable resource, for the sale of the precious liquid disordered in this country, which is being exported by the ton to the rich countries. Our Planet is practically water ... 90% of existing water only 2.30% is freshwater , but not all is safe and the vast majority of this is in the polar ice-melt that fast and go to sea to be confused with water unpalatable.
Here are important tips that we must take into account every day, for our survival and that of future generations and all living things:
Increíblementeen CR have scarcity of water and is likely by mid-2010 have significant water cuts across the country, so that we may be ushering in a new era where we get used to not having water every day. The worst thing is that if we do something about it, it is likely that our children suffer from water shortages similar to those living in the desert in subhuman conditions, having to pay a high price for the precious liquid.
1. Save water. At least one liter of water a day.
2. Take action. Commit and make your family commit itself to save at least one liter of water daily.

* If you know other ways to save water, please write them down here.
** If you save more than a liter a day, many will be grateful
** Try to save one liter for each additional unconscious believe that this issue is not of vital importance.
1. THE BATHING . Of all the waste of water, the bathroom is the largest in existence. (He spent 7 to 10 liters per minute and people are unaware that they take up half an hour to bathe. It only takes 3 minutes to swim well!)

a. I'll put a bucket under the shower as it heats the water and I will use it to water my plants and for the WC (toilet). Estimated savings: up to 40 liters of water per day! place another tray for when I shower and that water used for toilet soap.
b. Before bathing me in 10 minutes and now I will do in 3. Estimated savings: up to 100 liters of water per day!
c. Will close the key when I lather and shave me (though I cold). Estimated savings: up to 80 liters of water per day!
d. Halve the pressure of the water that I bathe regularly. Estimated savings: up to 100 liters of water per day!
2. IN THE WC . The second largest waste water is WC. (Every time we pull the lever to go down the drain 10 liters of drinking water. Some people are unaware that use the toilet as a trash can!). Actions

a. I'll put a plastic bottle full of water inside each of the toilet (in case you have no toilet savers.) Estimated savings: up to 30 liters of water per day!
b. Stop using the toilet to throw garbage and throw a trash can. Estimated savings: 10 to 100 liters of water per day! (Depends on the habits each person)
3. TEETH TO WASH. (Every time we brush our teeth are spent from 3 to 20 liters of water).
a. Instead of leaving open the faucet while I brush my teeth, I will use a glass of water to rinse my mouth and my brush or just shut the faucet while brushing my teeth. Estimated savings: up to 60 liters of water per day!

4. doing laundry.

a. Will use full loads of laundry to save water. Estimated savings: up to 100 liters of water per day!
b. Significantly reduce the amount of soap to prevent contaminating millions of gallons of water. Estimated savings: unlimited!
c. Reuse the wash water for lawns and toilet. placing the hose in a large tank.
d. Using water from the washer (2 nd and 3 rd discharge to water the plants, the garden, washing the front of the house, among other areas)
5. AL Washing dishes

a. First enjabonaré all the dishes (with the tap) and then enjuagaré, using the water from each utensil to remove excess soap, finally, the enjuagaré with tap water. Estimated savings: up to 50 liters of water per day!
b. Rebajaré water liquid dish soap (3 parts water to one part soap) to rinse the dishes more easily and avoid contaminating millions of gallons of water and detergent.
c. Will place extra fat of fried stewed in a stoppered bottle and deposit it in the trash instead of throwing down the drain like it did. One liter of oil down the drain pollutes one million liters of water! (Enough for the water consumption of a person for 14 years).
d. Lay a tray with water and the dishes first deposit there to be rinsed before washing, saving 60 liters per day estimated
e.Con a napkin or paper towel will clean the dishes before washing.
a. Wash the food in a pan instead of under running water. Estimated savings: up to 20 liters of water per day!
7. LEAKS .. think that a leaking faucet loses 30 liters of water ..
a. Will review and will repair leaks in my house whenever necessary. Estimated savings: up to 100 liters of water per day
a. I'll go down the water pressure in my house to reduce consumption in general. Estimated savings: up to 50% of total household water.
9. THE CAR WASH. Washing the car with a hose uses up to 500 liters of water
a. Will use a bucket instead of hose. Estimated savings: up to 500 liters of water per day
b. Wash the car only 1 or 2 times a week
10. Use biodegradable products
a. Some products of specific brands, reduce the consumption of water used to rinse the dishes, do laundry or clean the home and other activities and their packaging are biodegradable. ASK WHAT (Yepes Freiman 3166227663)
11. TO COOK to
. Heat only the amount of foods you eat
b. Cover all containers in which foods are cooking or heating.
c. Use the total resistance to heat is not wasted.
a. Turn off the computer monitor when you are not using
b. Turn off lights and appliances not in use

· Every time we go to bathroom and we pull the lever, we are consuming the same amount of water that Africans consume in a day.

· annual water consumption of a human being varies between 2.5 million liter (U.S.) to 1.500 liters in some African countries.

· one of every four people is not enough pure water.

· The production of a cotton shirt requires 2.900 liters water.

· Every eight seconds a child dies from drinking contaminated water.

· More than five million people die each year from contaminated water.

· In 2030 would need two planets to maintain the current lifestyle of humanity.

· 2 billion people worldwide, a third suffer from shortage of drinking water.

· One in six people lack regular access to drinking water.

· More than double, 2,400 million people, has no adequate sanitation.

· The water-related diseases cause the death of a child every eight seconds and are the cause of 80 % of all illnesses and deaths in the developing world, a situation that is much more tragic if takes into account that for a long time know that these diseases are easily preventable ..

· While in the past 20 years the developing world has witnessed an increased supply of water services, this progress was largely offset by population growth.

· It has been estimated that humans need an average of 50 liters of water per day for drinking, cooking, washing, farming, cleaning up. But the right to water, basic to any creature, starts getting dropwise to millions of people.

· emergency And this sound just a few years (World Water Forum held in March its third recent version, in Kyoto, Japan) began to be regarded internationally as a vertiginous terror of finding water shortages throughout the planet, arising not only from population growth, but the appalling human negligence with all related consequences.

· ; The first World Water Forum held in 2000 in The Hague, was set as the target for the year 2015 to reduce by half the number of people without access to drinking water. But did not include plans to prevent monopoly. Just another was appointed to the conflict in the privatization of water sources, destined to be one of the most severe of the century beginning.

· Although only 5% of drinking water in the world in his hands private annual earnings get these businesses are more than twice what the oil industry now win


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Friday, February 12, 2010

Cervical Mucus That Is Chunky


My friends all:
after the preparations for Christmas, after the party's end and beginning of the year, a storm with wind came and threw a tree in the backyard of my house Amadon ruining the garden and I've been all this time at the site Recovery of Lost Dreams and reconstruction of the green ... So, please apologize for the neglect I've made, but soon to be here again. A warm hug, Majella.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Connect To

EFFECTS OF "SPEED" - By: Morgan Dragon Rider (Rosario Vega)
Our planet Earth has been undergoing major biological and atmospheric changes as part of a cyclical and evolutionary process that occurs every 26.000 years. And everything that happens in this directly affects our home planet for humanity, not only at the level of damage that occur in nature but also emotional and psychological level of beings that inhabit it. This is a reflection of reality, often overlooked, that truly are One not without reason that someone once said you can not pick a flower without affecting a star. Similarly, what happens to the galactic level is in our Solar System. This magnificent event sidereal and heaven is registered in our human psyche as an acceleration in time.
The land, water, wind, fire ... all the elements of the planetary life seem to be in crisis. In reality they are restructured. The end of a cycle is the beginning of another. Our solar system is on the verge of a colossal alignment with the center of the Appian Way, along with the constellation of the Pleiades, which belongs to our system. This event coincides with the outer entrance of our industry in a shock wave of light coming from the center of the galaxy, the central sun. (Barbara Marciniak) (Mission Branch) (Maya).
As a result, these huge electromagnetic forces affect it everything in its path. In our Earth's waters are rising and opening new causes. The topography is becoming another conformation. The climate is no longer the same and most devastating hurricane rages. The volcanoes are awakening everywhere. In turn, these elemental forces have resonance, psychological impact and are synchronized and electromagnetically with our emotional body (the waters), with our physical body (earth), with our mental body (the weather, air), and our Spiritual body (fire, volcanoes). (Metaphysics) (Barbara Marciniak). waters everywhere are going up, going out and looking at. Even in the richest and most picturesque countries sewage is overflowing in the streets. Also in the human psyche, the "black water" are also emerging. All negatives stored in the subconscious, whether of this life, or ever take it there, this coming to light to give him up. Redeem means "to return to the network." The Net of Light that makes up our body of Crystal Light, our internal Christic. Our bodies are being restructured, and to reach the nucleus of our cells, the light had to penetrate physical and psychological layers so far prevented him over. The process has so far been gradual and literally cleaning. The energy of facts, emotions and memories inharmonious, especially the most intense, such as anger, hatred, love, build up in the weaker areas of the body, healing him or ill. This restructuring process forces us to confront, analyze, understand, not condemn, forgive and release all negative emotions latent in force and / or repressed, to give way to the light and release those energies misused. (Elizabeth Clair Prophet) (Dr. Joshua David Stone). Much of the depression that some people are experiencing due to this physical and psychological cleansing spiritual. Allopathic medicine could not find an organic cause depressive syndrome in these cases, which may be overcome with a constant spiritual exercise, yoga, guided meditations, introspective analysis, breathing exercises, mental reprogramming decrees and statements (see Decrees of Metaphysics and the Violet Flame), along with exercise, like walking, swimming, balanced diet and enough rest, once discarded pathology.
societies, nations, humanity on a collective level, is also pulling out all the karma for that inadvertently has accumulated under layers of manipulation, control, oppression, genocide. For any party people finally dares to complain to institutions and governments, to demand their rights.
On the other hand, physically, our bodies are changing. Receivers are becoming more Light, more sensitive to sound, vibration, cold and heat. The stridency startle us and we fled from excessive noise, places and people is scandalous. We are mutating!. This redemptive experience, despite how painful it may be, rejuvenates the body and restores the normal state of our soul that is Joy. The internal senses are refined, become more acute. The body becomes lighter, loses excessive anxiety eating. It is a spiritual cleansing and cellular igneous like volcanoes, has erupted, sweeping and cleansing. Is a purification that clarifies a lot of karma accumulated in "normal" lives would take us several more to process. Earthquakes are doing their work well. Are related to the physical body and its vibrations. The earth is releasing ... The crumbling mountains and avalanches are the order of the day. These, in resonance, we removed the awakening them and transmuting molecules. Our bodies tend to their original state. Blizzards and hurricanes increase steadily with the Air element and encourage us to continue the relentless pursuit of ourselves. We tend to clean and clarify the mind of selfishness and ignorance. We realize how vulnerable we are despite our arrogance. There is a tide deranged and suicidal everywhere due to lack of awareness that 'and who we are, due to ignorance of our intimate relationship and interconnectedness with all creation and its elements, a lack of information and wisdom to the helplessness of not having notion that 'really is happening. Any word, any idea can paralyze us, or we can increase suddenly. Telepathy is acute. Understand more the language of nature, animals. This acceleration of events seems Time collapse. Ten years seem one, and some memories are lost because they simply have disappeared from our subconscious. It is even possible to realize that we no longer understand to some people because they no longer respond to the same interests, goals and vision of life.
Similarly, the positive karma is also coming to light. It is unnecessary to worship the occult, the veils, the secret. Have opened the gates of knowledge from all spiritual guidance and all the information we wanted to heat. Technology has brought us to the Aquarian Age of Information, now available for anyone and those who want to learn and understand. There is an effervescence retreats as global meditations, healing by laying on of hands or distant. Due to Accelerate Debugging of people become more receptive, and begin to believe in the spirit of all things, the power of dreams, in the sacred sciences of the Tarot, Astrology and Numerology, all respectable sciences Schools are considered in the Mysteries. So they have returned to germinate the religions of Ancient Wisdom, gods, Wicca, dragons. So feel more alien sightings, spirits and Angels. So look no further contact with nature. God is no longer "up there and us miserable worms down here." That God is dead and irascible tyrant. The great Masters, Inter-dimensional Mariners (UFO Light), and founders of religions are gods, like us, only much more advanced ...
Hail Mary is prayed in the second part, as follows: "Santa Maria, pray for us thy children, time and at the hour of our victory over sin, disease and death. Amen. " (Elizabeth Clair Prophet). already started to realize that there is no death! This has been the worst and most repressive of the "charms" (Sally Barbosa) and fears human existence. There is no such death, only change. That is the message of Life Master Jesus: "... there are many mansions." While we are out of the Earth are on other planes of consciousness learning and working: aware of those realities. The memories of life on Earth gradually vanish, except in cases of beings who are wandering on the plane closest to the Earth to be poorly developed or some higher mission, as the goddess Kwan Yin, who lived on Earth A thousand years after his ascension to fulfill their mission of mercy. As the beloved Vavaji, the Himalayas, Sai Baba.
Both are mutating at a personal level (emotion, subconscious physical body) as well as social, world. The old "programming" with its centuries of blindness, prejudice, fear, anger, repression, suffering countless gruesome crimes, injustice, genocide have experienced and we have loaded on your back everywhere ... life after life ... will be back! Out it all! But we have to exercise the sacred Will and work together with our planet and its kingdoms to cooperate with the New Jerusalem, with mind and emotion new, constructive, more in harmony with our universe, with nature, with our higher self. The first step is to learn, do research (the truth is scattered all over and compose all), recognize that this process is taking place and then, make an act of self-awareness, clarify the old program (see Dr.Joshua David Stone); clarify counterproductive ideologies and thoughts, fixed pond as lifeless. Personal commitment and for life to ensure that our reactions and actions are more healthy and harmonious. Developments in culture and society begins in each person who populate it.
The beloved Guru Yogananda says, "A saint is a sinner who never gave up." We are all called to be saints. But being "holy" has nothing to do with prudery or bigotry or fanaticism, but a state of consciousness and wisdom in harmony with the attributes of God, who are the beauty, goodness and truth that govern all human existence and creation and eternally self-renew and Light Water Viva. These attributes are as codices in our own internal flash of light created in the image and likeness of God. "
All physical events of atmospheric and Earth Elementals have resonance, as shown, with the bodies we up at the same time, in return, our thoughts, emotions and actions affect the elements that surround us and put them into action. (Barbara Marciniak).
Earth's entry on the photonic band or expanding light wave coming from the center of the galaxy has not gone unnoticed by our scientists. Science and Spirit are one as well. However, the Supreme Truth of Spirit and the Cosmos came first to our understanding. Not everything can be measured by the still nascent human science.
Eighth Our Sun is the star of the Pleiades. We pleyadinos! The land remained in perfect alignment, in turn, with this constellation and the Central Sun of the Galaxy. (Sally Barbosa) (Mission Branch) (Maya) Therefore, it affects our planet, inside and out, in all its evolving Kingdoms (Rocks, metals, plants, animals, elements and elemental beings, humans). This is a great cosmic event and cyclical. Both the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Bible, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Merlin and oracles have agreed in their prophecies for our times. Today, some scholars believe it means "the end of the world." Others, like "change of consciousness." Still others, with the movement of Earth's axis.
Interestingly, there are other cycles that are losing more in this modern age, like the astrological transit of Venus will be seen on the Winter Solstice of 2012 (see José Argüelles) ... All synchronously coincided! ... scholars of the human spirit, this means that the planet Earth is graduating, which is evolving to Test Planet Sacred Planet. Just as the planet, even humanity Ascending although we did not notice, or ascend to the same extent. Ascender means to level, grade, literally. Spiritually, it is Evolve, Renacer, Transmuting the body. Large Ascended Masters and at the 5th Dimension are graduating at the same time. They are interested that we ascend to fill their posts ... Awesome? (See Theosophy, Metaphysics)
The "Last Judgement" of the speaking of Christianity, it says it is taking place! Happening! Today is primary to consciousness and choose which side we are. It is waging a battle between good (the Christ forces inherent in our inner universe) and evil, the Antichrist ... I mean, every person, action or thing that destroys and degrades the human being fiercely and / or unbalances sidereal worlds. Nor is it to be too scrupulous, or fans. The excesses and stress are the parents of the disease.
Although stress appears to be general, when we realize that the chaos, suffering, the crisis we are experiencing today is just part of this process accelerated evolution (reminds us of "The Dark Night" of the saints) (see story of Job), we can relax a little and overcome the pain of ignorance we overshoot. We can try to join the forces are to achieve the goal of evolving to our planet proposal in the great cosmic plan of God from the beginning of time. The prophecies are being fulfilled, but, to these forces as colossal only remains for us to remember, recognize that in reality all we are already holy and beautiful. We are a flash of light conscious of the Star that is our Spirit. We are being asked to assume our true identity as such. Sadly, the collective unconscious, faulty subconscious programming accumulated is the one directing the destinies of people. It's not that easy to get rid of the mentality and poor appreciation of ourselves we have. But the Awakening which produces the Speed \u200b\u200bis for everyone! The universe does not have "favorites." Still, good use of the gift is free will is our responsibility. There are accountable to the hole, but a sacred hierarchy that ensures our evolution and interplanetary harmony, which are pooled the Ascended Masters, as the Radiant Master Jesus, Archangels and other Light Beings who have evolved on other worlds. Are accountable to our own Holy Spirit Christic (crystalline, etheric) (see Elizabeth C. Prophet) from which emanates our spark of light and who knows, sees and treasures the experience and training of our soul in the Earth Lab.
We are in the Re-birth. The clarification of karma puts us in the spiritual evolutionary level is ours by inheritance and by effort, by the supreme sacrifice of Big Brothers, like Jesus, Buddha, Krshna, with the assistance of the Brotherhood of Light, and teachers Alien Ascended voluntary response by our love of living responsibly and conscientiously. Yogananda says that the astral-physical universes, seem a basket of stars, compared with colossal mega spiritual universe that awaits us. If the road is long but give us light Christ-the Light of our "lamps lit." In fact this time of Ascension is a Gift of transcendence. So overpopulation, which is why so many people, everyone wants to see this momentum, but do not remember.
In the path of light we have just begun ... We are a spark of light newborn ... We're just kids ... but children Children of the Earth Mother Goddess and Father God Almighty Mother of Light Electromagnetic Alpha and Omega. ; Rev.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How To Masterbate Someone


Most ignore the difference between http:// and https: / / is simply safety. HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transport Protocol ", which is an elegant way to define, so to speak, a language for exchanging information between servers and clients on the network. What is important and what makes the difference is the letter "S" that - surprise! - Stands for "Secure", or "safe." If you visit a website and you look in your direction you will see that very Probalan, begins with http://. This means that the page you are talking in a normal language, but unsure. In other words, there is the possibility that someone may be spying on the "conversation" between your computer and the page. If you translate information to that page, that someone can see it and use it. For this reason, you should never give the number of your credit card to a page http://. But if the address starts with https: / /, your computer is connected to a page that you are speaking in a coded language and secure, spy-proof. For your security, whether to make a purchase or for any other reason you have to give your card number or other sensitive information, first check the web page address to which you connected starts with https: / /